Thursday, September 10, 2009

Journal Pages from In The Garden of My Heart

Just a few pages from my art journal, 'In The Garden of My Heart'.
I have found a few quotes and poems to add, but haven't typed them out yet. I'm still sending my wish out into the universe for some original poetry from bloggers to add to my art journal. Always hopeful and hoping always to share in the art of words, paper and color.

As I'm working on this journal, I can't help but take joy in this new freedom that I've allowed myself to play with. The freedom to create just for the pure joy of it. I know that there are only probably just a few people that visit my blog and that's okay. This is a gift I've given to myself...this wonderful year of living artfully. Everyday I try to work on something, whether it's drawing, scrapbooking, sewing, or crocheting. Evening reading and viewing my favorite artsy Podcasts keeps me on track of my daily pursuits of living artful. I know that I'm a happier person because of this devotion, this artful intent. I hope this joy finds you smiling and moving you towards color and music and words and places and people that are over flowing with this same intent. Be Creative... The Universe Loves it!

1 comment:

  1. Your journal is gorgeous, I love your sketches and the details and the colours they contain. The paper that you have chosen for your journal looks lovely in its texture.
    Your whole approach to living more artfully is inspiring to all of us who do feel more in touch with the world and ourselves when we make the time to express ourselves creativily.
    Looking forward to viewing future entries.
    p.s Am so not a poet :)
