Friday, October 23, 2009


Friday, October 23, 2009

Had a scary moment, could not sign on to my blog, there was a nasty little error (bx-59cppw) that was bugging many of us bloggers.  Glad they fixed the problem.  It's funny though how much I love my little blog, it's become part of my daily routine.  I love to sign on just to read my favorites and view the ATC slide shows I have running.  What was I doing on this day last year?  Probably watching TV.

Monday, October 19, 2009

magic wand

magic wand
Originally uploaded by artfulbliss

trick or treat

trick or treat
Originally uploaded by artfulbliss
Happy Spooky Adventures

alphabet Z

alphabet Z
Originally uploaded by artfulbliss

I started a new challenge using the alphabet as inspiration. Not creating in order cause I love the randomness of what ever happens to catch my eye. So far the letter Z and E are done. I'm not setting limits to how many to create for each letter so it should be fun to see what happens. Who knows, it might turn out to be more than just atcs. We have a new poster printer at work and maybe a full collection would be an awesome poster. So many ideas floating in my head, having fun creating and sharing and wishing I had started blogging long ago. But I'm a late bloomer in so many areas of my life, maybe that's why I love to use the word 'Bloom' in a lot of my art pieces.  Well,  I better get busy, I've got some more blooming to do. %*_*%!!!

collage #10 10/18/09

collage #10 10/18/09
Originally uploaded by artfulbliss
Lost track of time last night creating a bunch of atcs from one 9 x 12 sheet of water color paper. I used magazine clippings, colored tissue paper scraps, ribbon, gel pens, bic markers, glitter, and lots of glue. I love the randomness of placing a clipping here and strip of ribbon there and a doddle drawing there and then cutting it the sheet up into 2.5 x 3.5 cards. The possibilities are limitless.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Jessica's drawing and artsy photo

my latest ATCs

It's been a busy time at work and my work schedule has changed, adding on 6-7 extra closing shifts per month.  In my younger days that would have not been a problem for me.  My energy level was way up there. I burn out more easily and waste my only day off resting up for the long weekend ahead.   But in my heart of hearts I know what I would rather be doing.  But hey, what I do pays the bills.  I'm just so glad that I have Jenn, Jessica, and Cam at work.  They share the same love I have...creating.  Jenn studied art in college, Jessica loves to draw and Cam takes some pretty awesome photos.  Jenn keeps me motivated, we often create ATC challenges and swap between the two of us.  Jessica wants to create a book for kids using her fruit drawings...they're pretty cute. Jessica also dabbles in photography, but I don't think she knows yet that she has an eye for seeing things that are just waiting for her to capture them on those digital magical little pixels.   Cam, who just happens to work in our 1 hour photo department, takes some real awesome outdoor photos.  At our little art gallery at work, I got just a glimpse of some of  the creative spirit that inspires my co-workers.  But I must give out a Big Thank You to Jenn for lighting that flame in those that wanted to share their work.  I think sometimes that we forget that we are more than our job when in clock in.  We are inspiration waiting for creation.   So, even with my icky work schedule,  I will continue my year of living artfully, of crafting, of sharing and gifting.   I choose this aspiration with joy my heart.  There is always time for JOY!