Thursday, November 19, 2009

ATC Challenge

My ATC buddy Jenn was feeling really down because her kitty was very ill, so to help her get in the creative mode I put together a zip- lock bag filled with bits and pieces of scrapbook papers, stickers, cutouts, beads and brads and challenged her into creating some ATCs to trade with me.  Well, her kitty sadly passed away and this challenge helped her to get her mind off of her heart breaking loss for a few hours.  Jenn did awesome job.  To say the very least, I am very impressed with the outcome.  Jenn put a goody bag together for me with this same challenge.  I hope I can pull off the same magic with paper, ribbons, snippets, recycled bits and glitter.  I only have 3 finished...I tend to think too much about what to put with what.  So I'm putting on some music and getting busy with the ARTSY CRAFTY MAGIC.  Will post my finished cards soon...hope Jenn likes.  And remember,  they never ever really leave us when there is  LOVE.