Saturday, October 23, 2010

Yo Yo quilt

Yo Yo quilt
Originally uploaded by Chrystelle 2of9
I found this photo of this lovely yo-yo quilt while I was exploring flickr. Looking at it I wish I could touch it.  The maker of this quilt must have put a lot of care into it's creation.  It looks to me like tiny little flowers laid perfectly on the bed.                                                                   I recently found a real bargain at my local Tuesday Morning Shop on a set of Clover Yo-Yo Makers. The set included a large and a small Heart shaped and Flower shaped yo-yo maker. I have plans to make a flower yo-yo border to add to a ready made curtain.

Now I just need to make my color and fabric choices.  When the project is finished, I'm hanging the curtain in my craft room.
I'm also hoping to make a Yo-Yo throw.  I do have a collection of tiny yo-yo s waiting to be put together, but not sure yet what to make...maybe a pillow cover.

I love working on small take and make projects.  Looks like I'll be happily occupied at Starbucks while sipping my Green Tea.

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