Friday, July 9, 2010

Accidents Happen

Today I decided that I would organize my Picasa photo album by deleting all of the duplicate photos, not realizing that I would be deleting the original posted photos from my blog.  So now there are some photos missing from some of my blog posts.  And well the strange thing is that I'm not too distraught about it.  I guess, I could go back and locate the photos in my computer and repair the damage done, but I just don't feel like revisiting past posts with the intentions of putting it all back together again.  It's okay.  I mean I'm okay with this little misshap.  I've been wanting to start fresh and I guess today is the day.  Bella Luna Handmade will now be the place I post my sewing, crochet and paper craft projects and my new blog Little Treasuretopia will be the place I share my jewelry projects and favorite finds.  So I'm choosing to go with the flow and not sweat the little things.  I've got so many projects I liked to get started on and one that I just finished.  I'm photographing it tomorrow when I have better lighting and will be posting it on  It feels good to get back to my crafting table and back to blogging. 
Happy Crafting!

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