Thursday, July 1, 2010

Away Too Long...

Wow, I can't believe that it's been an awful long time since I've posted any of my projects, not that I have completed very many in this absence.  I've been slowly working on organizing my craft room and in doing so I've had to go through alot of stuff that I have accumilated over the years.  That and not being too happy with my job situation has put me in a kind of funk, making it hard for me to be creative.  My schedule is burning me out and well I can't remember the last time I had fun at work.  I'm grateful that I have a job, but something is missing.  Perhaps it the dreaded empty nest syndrome.  Afterall, it is the kids' room that has become my craft room.  I still do miss Sara and Cory very much and well I miss my crafting buddy too, who has been on vacation for what seems like a month.  Jenn has the lovely job of keeping this old lady motivated with new artsy challenges.  I should be making the handbag she requested, made from the sushi fabric she recieved in a swap, but time has slipped away and the sewing hasn't started.  It's not that I have no desire to sew or craft, I simply feel I have no energy for the hobbies I love so much.   I dream about crafting and am always reading through my craft magazines and surfing Flickr, Veimo, You Tube and Etsy for inspiration.  I'm wishing this funk will soon end so that I can get started on some new projects.  In the mean time I'll be reading, front to back,  the new issue of Somerset Studio.  When I opened the plastic wrap and removed the yellow address sheet I was truely blown away by the front cover.  It's so beautiful.  Maybe this will be the match to strike the flame of creativity in my soul. 

I still have some details to take care in putting together my craft room, and when I think it's just right I'll post some photos.  Until then, Happy crafting.


  1. We have missed you, sorry to hear that your job is getting you down, those late shifts sound like killers :(.
    I think I will feel the same as you when my little tribe leave home, you have my sympathy! Although gaining a craft room does sound appealing :)
    Lovely to read a post from you :))

  2. Victoria, I love your comment and so enjoy your Facebook postings too. You have such a happy family. What great times you have on your holidays. Things are starting to settle at work and I won't have another long closing weekend till the end of the month. Until then I've decided to take some vacation time off and go visit my mom in California. It will be nice to take a break before that dreaded long weekend. Happily, these past couple of days I've been crafting into the wee hours of the night...enjoying every minute. This weekend wil be a crafty one. ;)
